Happistar Privacy Policy

Happistar is a gaming platform, which in the course of its operation collects, stores, uses and protects personal data of its users. The methods and purposes for collecting such data, as well as their security guarantees, are described in Happistar’s privacy policy. When you register on our website, you automatically agree to all its terms and conditions.

By confidential data is meant any information that can characterize the user as a unique player. It could be your first or last name, telephone number, e-mail address, city of residence, or other similar information. We begin collecting it the moment you first visit our site and agree to our cookie policy. We may then know your device model, IP address, ISP, and operating system version. This data is sent to us along with the cookies.

Happistar has its own privacy policy.

Main principles

Other, more detailed information about you we get when you fill out the registration form, pass verification, make a deposit, withdraw money, activate a bonus, fill out a profile. This data goes to Happistar’s secure servers and is stored securely.

Happistar’s Privacy Policy defines several basic purposes for processing personal information about customers:

  • Development of platform services and improving the quality of services provided;
  • Increase the effectiveness of advertising, marketing and other tools to attract new players;
  • Creating attractive bonuses and promotions, both general and personal;
  • Compliance with the laws of the countries in which the Happistar brand officially operates.

To protect personal data, a multi-level encryption technique is used. In addition, all information is transmitted via secure communication channels, which minimizes the risk of leakage and hacking.

Happistar may not distribute, transfer to third parties, or upload customer personal data to public sources. But we can provide the necessary information to law enforcement authorities if the user is suspected of financial fraud, money laundering or other types of fraud. In addition, some information, such as a user’s name, may be used if a player receives large winnings. This information is needed to create news stories.

You can change many of your personal data through your personal profile. If you can’t do this, but the information is no longer up to date, please tell our support team. You can also choose not to provide us with personal information at any time.
