Rules of the game on the Happistar website

Each user, when registering on the official site Happistar automatically confirms that he has read the rules of the site and agrees with them. We recommend that you carefully read this document, as a violation of the rules of the company can lead to temporary or permanent blocking of your account, as well as restrictions on its functionality.

Read these rules of using the Happistar.

Main Rules

What are the rules of the Happistar betting site:

  • In order to bet on sports and play casino games on the Happistar website, you must be at least 18 years old. Minors are not allowed to gamble;
  • Each player has the right to own only one account. Re-registration will lead to the blocking of all accounts and the freezing of funds that are on their balance;
  • If you try to mislead the administration of Happistar, deceive it, use incorrect and deliberately false personal data, will lead to the inability to continue playing on our site;
  • If Happistar’s security service suspects the user of any fraud, financial fraud or money laundering, the account of the potential offender will be immediately blocked until the circumstances are clarified;
  • At its own discretion and at any time, the Happistar administration may restrict the user’s account access to a certain list of functions and game features;
  • Happistar cannot be held responsible for possible financial losses incurred by the player as a result of unsuccessful bets on sports and casino games. When playing on our site, you agree with the risks of losing money;
  • The Happistar brand may not be used for unlawful purposes or for your own benefit. Any material on this site is copyrighted and protected by law;
  • Happistar customers undertake to treat the administration and support representatives, as well as other players, with respect;
  • If necessary, the security service may require you to go through a full cycle of account verification at any time to confirm your identity;
  • The Happistar site terms and conditions of use are subject to change at the discretion of the administration and without prior notice to players.

Adhere to these simple rules to play on the Happistar site without problems and do not risk having your account blocked.
